Alright people, it’s time to discuss the Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo And Conditioner! These have been popular items at Trader Joe’s for years and here I’ll be reviewing them for you!

Quick Details
- size of each bottle: 16 fl oz
- average price of each (depends on location): $3.99
- callout ingredients: peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus
- free of laurel/laureth sulfates
- suitable for all hair types
If you frequent Trader Joe’s, you’ve probably seen these items on the shelf before. If you’ve tried the shampoo and conditioner, leave a comment down below! I’m so curious what your thoughts are about them!
Okay review time! I’ll just say it – I love this shampoo and conditioner. They are not my favorite shampoo and conditioner in the whole wide world, but they serve a very important purpose in my shower. During times when my hair feels more oily than normal and my scalp feels more itchy, this is hands down the duo that I reach for. The tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus all work together to gently exfoliate and “invigorate” and “rejuvenate” the scalp. Like the name suggests, you can even feel a slight tingle when using the products, which makes me feel like it’s doing something (it’s probably all mental, but it still helps!). After using these my scalp always feels much better and calmer.

The only relevant con that I have with this shampoo and conditioner duo is that they are not very moisturizing. It makes sense, because they are products meant to exfoliate, but for someone like me who has very thick and wavy hair, I need a lot of moisturizing products in order to keep my hair healthy and sane. With that being said, there are ways to get around this dilemma. I usually alternate between using these products and other, more moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. Sometimes I’ll just use the tea tree shampoo and then I’ll follow it up by using a different moisturizing conditioner. A great moisturizing conditioner/hair mask to use after this shampoo is the Trader Joe’s Shea Butter & Coconut Oil Hair Mask (my review on it is linked here). If you don’t want to have multiple different shampoos and conditioners in your shower and you want to use these ones, depending on your hair type, I’d just recommend using a leave in conditioner or something moisturizing in your hair after you get out of the shower.
Overall, this shampoo is incredible and the conditioner is too. They both help so much with dry, itchy scalps, but they are also suitable for all hair and scalp types, so anyone can use them. If you haven’t tried these yet I’d highly recommend that you pick them up the next time you’re shopping at Trader Joe’s!