Okay, so you’re feeling sad. It happens. It’s a part of life when you have depression or when something upsetting happens. Sometimes when my depression is bad, I don’t want to feel better just yet. As confusing as it sounds, sometimes it feels good to feel sad.
sometimes it feels good to feel sad
You can’t always be happy. If you were, happiness would get boring and feel numb. You need to feel sad sometimes and that’s okay. Sometimes you want to read quotes that will make you feel better, hopeful, and less depressed. But sometimes you kind of want to feel the pain and want to read those hard-hitting quotes that will relate to how you’re feeling.
An important note: Although yes, it is good to let yourself feel sad, it’s important to know how to turn the tables and allow yourself to let light in again. Depression feels lonely, but you are not alone. If you feel you need help or just can’t seem to feel better, there are resources out there. Use them!
Here are 17 relatable quotes that depict what sadness and depression feel like:
1. “I just want a day where it feels like I’m not falling apart anymore.” –unknown author

2. “She hides all her problems behind a smile. Behind her smile is a world of pain and hurt. You think you know her, but you really have no idea.” –unknown author

3. “I couldn’t heal because I kept pretending I wasn’t hurt.” –unknown author

4. “Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.” –William C. Hannan

5. “From the outside looking in it’s hard to understand. From the inside looking out it’s hard to explain.” –unknown author

6. “Just because I carry it all so well doesn’t mean it’s not heavy.” –unknown author

7. “I realized today that I have stopped living life. I’m literally just trying to get to the next day, just living in the thought of tomorrow. I’m not living, I’m waiting. And the trouble is, I don’t know what I’m exactly waiting for.” –unknown author

8. “That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.” –unknown author

9. “Sometimes you are so emotionally drained that even sleep doesn’t do anything anymore. You wake up still tired. And it just doesn’t go away.” –unknown author

10. “God, I’m not okay. I’m not myself. I’m drained. Please calm my mind, heal my heart and take my worries away. Amen.” –unknown author

11. “Do not judge. You don’t know what storm I’ve asked her to walk through. -God” –unknown author

12. “I feel myself changing. I don’t laugh the same anymore, I don’t smile the same, or talk the same. I’m just so tired of everything mentally.” –unknown author

13. “I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.” –unknown author

14. “How did I go from that little 5 year old, always happy & always laughing, to… this?” –unknown author

15. “Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad.” –unknown author

16. “It hurts, but it’s okay. I’m used to it.” –unknown author

17. “Today my forest is dark. The trees are sad and all the butterflies have broken wings.” –Raine Cooper

I hope that those quotes allowed you to feel what you needed to feel. You deserve all the happiness in the world, but sometimes, ya just gotta feel sad.
To end this off on a positive note, here is one last quote that I have found hope and strength from, and I hope it helps you just the same.
“a lot of things have happened this year, and you have had to bear more than you ever thought you would, but I just hope you know, through the difficult and the good, you have also been brave, in a beautiful, honest way, and no matter the progress you feel that you have not made, you are still growing here.”
Morgan Harper Nichols
Girl, feel as sad as you need to right now, but just know that you will be okay!
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