If you’re not a big meditator or you need a reminder of why you’re lovable, then this one is for you. I think meditating is a fantastic practice, but personally, I haven’t put the effort into implementing it into my daily life. I should, and I probably will at some point, but I’m not there yet. With that being said, I do really enjoy and appreciate a guided meditation once in a while. I’ve listened to many different guided meditations on YouTube and on various apps, and I’ve realized that I’m very picky with them. Some guided meditations are great, and others make it very difficult for me to relax and get in my zone. I recently found a 15-minute guided mediation for self love on Youtube made by Goodful. and I really like it. I think the narrator’s voice is calming, the music is great and at a nice volume, the length is perfect, the format is well-thought out, and I’m really able to focus while also letting go at the same time. My favorite aspect of this specific meditation is the message. I love what is said about self love and what the narrator says as he guides the listener to think about their own selves.
If you are in need of a little self love and need a reminder of why you are beautiful and amazing and loved and worthy, I’d recommend giving this video just 15 minutes of your time:
I hope the meditation makes you feel better, but in addition, here’s a lil reminder from me to you. Yes you, the one reading this now.. You are lovable. You are loved. You are beautiful, inside and out. You are strong. You are worthy. You are unique. You can achieve anything you want in life. You are sunshine. Again, you are lovable. EVERY part of you is lovable.
I know those things are easier said than believed (don’t get me wrong, I have a very difficult time believing them about myself), but I truly hope you repeat them in your head and out loud and remind yourself of those messages often, because the sooner you believe it, the sooner you will feel better and free.

I hope this post has found you well! If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment down below. If you are interested in more mental health and self love topics, check out this page!