Last weekend I went to the extremely popular Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit in San Fransisco! If you have Facebook, Instagram, social media, or just access to the internet, you’ve probably heard about it. They opened Van Gogh exhibits in a bunch of major cities in the United States and are constantly placing ads for it everywhere. I love museums and art, so by nature, of course I wanted to go to this exhibit that looked so cool!
Here are pictures from the exhibit:

Mmmm welllll how do I put this.. the exhibit was not worth what we paid for it. It was definitely cool and it was interesting seeing aspects of Van Gogh’s paintings move, but at the end of the day it did feel like I was just in a large auditorium with projections on the walls. We paid $60 per ticket. I think for that price it should have been a bit more immersive and high-budget. It would have been awesome if you had to walk through different rooms that were each themed as one of his paintings and made you feel like you were in the paintings, but instead it was a 35 minute video of his paintings on the walls in an overcrowded auditorium. Don’t get me wrong, it was definitely cool and calming, but it felt like it should’ve been a free exhibit at a museum or maximum $20, not a $60 35-minute movie. Overall, unless you are a huge Van Gogh fan, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it. I’ve heard there will be an immersive Monet exhibit coming to SF in the next few months, maybe that will be different!
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