I recently heard someone say “everything in life happens for you, not to you” and it sparked a lot of thought.
If you believe everything happens for a reason, then this quote will especially resonate with you. Life happens and things happen all the time that we have no control of. Sometimes those things are good, sometimes they’re bad, sometimes they’re neutral, but they all have a deeper reason and meaning.
If you change your mindset to believe that everything in life happens for you, not to you, you’ll find a sense of calmness and clarity. For example: if you don’t like your job and feel very stressed out about it and feel like it’s making your life worse for no reason, then you’re believing that life is happening to you. If you don’t like your job and feel stressed out about it, but know that there’s a reason you have it and know that it may help you in the long run, then you’re believing that life is happening for you.
Life will throw opportunities and experiences at you that may be great or may throw you for a loop, but you can always control how those opportunities and experiences make you feel and the mindset you’ll have about them.
I hope you choose to believe that life is and will be good. Remember, it’s happening for you, not to you.
Hopefully this resonated with you! If you have any questions or comments, leave them down below. For more quotes and thought-provoking topics, check out this page!