hello creative friends!
I’m Rachel! I’m so grateful that you stumbled upon my website and I sincerely hope that it has helped you. Before I get into Golden Oath and why I’m here, I’d love to share a little about how I got here.
A few years ago, I graduated college and was planning on pursuing a career in psychology. There is nothing more rewarding to me than helping others and I’ve always known that it’s what I want to do for the rest of my life. As time has gone on, I’ve realized that helping others is what I want to do, but maybe not in the way of a traditional psychology path. In taking time to dig deep and find what it is that I’m most passionate about, I’ve come to two conclusions: I love being creative and I love helping people. So why not do both?

I recognize that there are so many amazing forms of wellness; reading, meditating, spa treatments, working out, etc, but creativity is one form of self care that I think is underutilized. Being creative is something that instantly calms me down. It makes me feel happy, safe, and purposeful. As soon as I pick up knitting needles (yes I knit, I know I may be aging myself by admitting it, but I love it okay!) or paint with watercolors or scrapbook I feel better. Every. Single. Time. It’s like magic – seeing how quickly creativity boosts my mood. I challenge you: grab a pencil and paper and just scribble on the paper for 1 minute.. I guarantee it’ll make you feel better. This is what I want to do. This is what Golden Oath is about.
Golden Oath’s two core values:
- Creativity = Wellness
- There are no rules in art
Creativity = Wellness: being creative is a form of self care. It will boost your mood and have a positive effect on your life.
There are no rules in art: Anyone (any and all people of all mental and physical capabilities) can do any creative-related endeavor and call it art. There is no required “how to” – simply put, there are zero, nada, no at all rules when it comes to being creative.
Some of my goals here are to inspire and spread the word about different forms of creativity, the benefit of doing them, and the direct benefit they have on you. No one form of creativity is better than another. You may enjoy certain kinds of crafts and you may despise others. That’s okay! You’re still a creative human. I want you to embrace the fact that you are special, incredible, and so beautifully creative in your own unique way.
Golden Oath has and will evolve over time. There may be changes in how I operate the company – for now it’s mainly online, down the road it may expand into pop-up events, community involvement, who knows, but at the core, Golden Oath will always be about spreading the message that creativity equals wellness and there are no rules in art.
Thank you so much for being here, now go scribble!