A couple weekends a go I woke up at 6am on a Sunday and just drove on the Pacific Coast Highway in Northern California. I had a game plan to drive to Half Moon Bay, but not much else was planned besides that.
I packed up my things (books, journal, drawing materials, camera, glasses, etc), left San Francisco, and was on my way. It only took about 40 minutes to get to Half Moon Bay. I’ve heard that Main Street in Half Moon Bay is adorable, so that was my first destination. Here was the adorable street. It was empty, hardly anyone was out!

Next stop was to get some breakfast. As I was driving along Main Street, I noticed a bakery that had a few people standing inside of it, so I figured it must be good if there’s people in there that early. The bakery was called Half Moon Bay Bakery. They had SO many fresh baked foods to choose from, it was so hard to decide!

I ended up getting 3 different baked goods and had a few bites of each:

Let me tell you… those baked goods were SO freaking delicious!! I love spinach and feta anything, and this spinach and feta croissant was a game changer. Also I’m not a big donut lover, but for some reason, I LOVED this plain donut. It wasn’t too sweet and the texture was incredible!
After trying each of my delicious items from the bakery, I started exploring. I drove through a neighborhood and found this view (I stayed in my car for this one):

After driving around some more, I ended up in the parking lot of a restaurant in a residential neighborhood called Moss Beach Distillery (I didn’t go to the restaurant, but I definitely plan to go at some point, because their menu looks delicious and the view from the restaurant is probably incredible).
I got out of my car and took some quick pictures of the view from the parking lot:

I mean come on, even on an overcast and foggy morning, the view is amazing!
After visiting the parking lot view I drove around Half Moon Bay some more and decided that I actually felt content and wanted to go back home. Not for any bad reason whatsoever. I loved my time in Half Moon Bay! I could stray from the truth and tell you guys that I went to the beach and read my book and drew in my journal and had a long day on the coast, but the real truth is that it would be a lie. I packed my bag with all the materials I’d need to do that, but after I did all my exploring, I decided that it was time for me to head home. I had a beautiful and incredible time waking up early, driving along the coast, trying a new bakery, adventuring around a new town, and having time alone with myself. I felt good, my battery was fully charged and my cup was full.
Sooo I made my way back home! I did stop at some lookouts and drive through the streets of some little towns on the way back up to San Francisco. Here’s some pictures I got from my drive:

This day was one of many that remind me of how amazing life is, how beautiful the world is, and how lucky I am to live in California. This state and this planet is mind-blowing to me. The beauty that this world holds is truly magnificent! I urge you to take time for yourself to explore. Just go on an adventure, any adventure, whatever that may mean for you – there’s no right or wrong way. Nature is healing. The world is healing. You are healing. Spread the love and positivity my people! …I feel like I just went on a sappy tangent.. okay I know that I went on a sappy tangent, but I hope you get where I’m coming from!

I hope that this post encourages you to go on an adventure soon! If you have any questions or comments, leave them down below. Thank you so so much for taking the time to read this post and explore my blog. For more travel and day-trip content, check out this page!